My poll is working, but after having done a vote there is always the following error on top of the page.
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/h/ in /home/h/ on line 21
In my homepage the respective code looks like this:
/* Include this before your html code */
include_once "/home/h/";
After having read similar problems here in the forum, I guess my problem has to do with the real path. My provider/hoster says the following:
Der Pfad setzt sich folgendermassen zusammen:
Das Zeichen nach /home/ (im Beispiel ein i) steht für das 1. Zeichen Ihres Domainnamens. Wenn Ihr Domain also hiesse, dann wäre es eine 4.
Thanks for your hints
24/06/2003 00:14:19
Joined: 18/04/2003 05:02:37
Messages: 50
Make sure there are no spaces before the <?php
it has to be the first line of code.before your <html>
Yep, he's right PHP is very particular about syntax and white spaces. If there are any before it the script will not work. Its not a leanient as html is where you you can get away with odd mistake.