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Messages posted by: SteinerKD
Forum Index » Profile for SteinerKD » Messages posted by SteinerKD
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I've set up the Free link pages and they work fine for me localy through the server, but when someone else try to add a link they get "502 Connection refused". What ahev I done wrong? Why do they get this?
(Running it with Apache 2 under Win XP).
Solved it After I wrote that I tested a bit (hadn't realy thought about the frame stuff before I wrote it). With default target frame set to "_self" it works perfectly as inteded.
Yeah.. and my reply is kinda stupid I realise as the demo.php works just fine and opens the visitor window correctly, the exact same code in my own webpage doesn't work properly
Could the fact that I'm using the code snippet in a banner page within a frameset have anything to do with it?
That's exactly the code I'm usinga nd it doesn't work.. hmm...Think I heard someone say that javascript code isn't processed ina .php page which this is... Maybe that's my problem?
Any way to get round this and still get it to work as intended?
Yes, works fine on Win XP. You just need to set the:

# base directory to all link files from the server root without trailing "/"

correctly, for me the both partition is E: and standard install of Apache and the site that uses the links is in /ferrari/. so my setting is:

$base_dir = "E:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/ferrari/links";

Also default path install for perl and the first line in my scripts read:


Hope that helps.

I have a problem here, I've got a series of files IDed f001-f045 and those apear in the stats and count up for each UL, they are spread over 3 pages.
On another page on the same site I have a series of files IDed m001-m013, for some reason these DLs aren't counted and doesn't show up in the stats (unless I DL them localy).
Anyone have aclue to what's going on here? Why does some files count and some other don't??

To start with I had all files one one page, then I made 3 copies of that page and renamed the pages and deleted the files from each page that doesn't belong there. All File IDs are correct and the includes of each page is correct.

Another thing, how do I use the status.pl for showing a files DL count inside a html page instead of the stat_js.pl??

<!--#include virtual="cgi-bin/status.pl?stat=file_id" -->

Doesn't do anything when I change file_id to a valid file id.

I've changed the guestbook to my colorscheme with black background (alternating blue). To make text visible I made it white.. But when I comment a message it comes out black and hence is invisible against the black backgrund... Is this a bug or have I missed something? From what I can see I've set all text color options to white...

I've gotten the Daily counter to work fine now. But there's one big annoying difference between my page and the demo version...
Whenever I click on "Visitors" on my page it first opens a full browser window before opening the small Visitor display... the first window is left hanging with a DNS/Can't find page error in it... What am I doing wrong here, can someone tell me the correct code to insert to just open the small php visitirs display?

BTW, couldn't get the code in the "usage instructions" to work so I snipped the code from the demo wich does work for me...
Forum Index » Profile for SteinerKD » Messages posted by SteinerKD
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