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Messages posted by: aapdesign
Forum Index » Profile for aapdesign » Messages posted by aapdesign
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ok, almost one year later and still I got this problem.
Solved the problem by closing some explorer windows, start-up again a fresh new explorer window and there I go: no problems anymore.

I think we have to thank Mr.Microsoft for this bug,
Perhaps you will check out this testsite:

and then pls tell me where to past the php rule you give me first...
aha, I have to made a new php page myself as link to the guestbook with this:

<?php setcookie("lang", "german"); ?>

and than redirect to index.php ?
Btw how do I redirect in php?...
Thanks for reply.
How should this cooky loke like?
I'm no so familiar in writing cookies?

And how does this works?
Does it means that a viewer in Germany gets the german lang layout?
And a dutch viewer the dutch langmod?
And all this in one link from the menu?
On what preferences on viewers PC is this depending?

(I hope you understand my poor English...)
I've read several posts about changing languages while opening the Guestbook, but it doesn't fit to my situation.

In the website menu there are three differant languages : dutch, english and german.The three seperate links to the guestbook is normaly : ././index.php

Is it possible to give an extra parameter so that the correct language wil be added to the lay-out? E.g. what you have to change in the adminsection - general settings?

Now I have filled up the dutch langmodule with english and german phrases, but this is not a good solution whole the way.
Using some german characters like ä or ü will give a unreadble characters. (Strange - the german langmodule seems to work correctly if you use that mod., but even when I copy phrases from there into the dutch langmodule it failed.
But that problem is solved if it is possible to extend the link with a parameter for correct language.)

But anyway, it is a great Guestbook and nice scripts to work with!
Forum Index » Profile for aapdesign » Messages posted by aapdesign
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