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Messages posted by: xenzap
Forum Index » Profile for xenzap » Messages posted by xenzap
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Make sure that the text is like this:
include_once (blah blah); echo (blah blah) <--everything on one line

Try that and see if it helps.

Nah, not pissed. I just hadn't heard of it, kinda new to the discussion board thing. I was really concerned because I thought you were saying that phpBB was a security nightmare, which I've read some about, but I think they all have that problem when they get big enough.

Hmm, I just spent a small part of my life configuring phpBB for 7 websites (for free).

What's the deal with it? Why is invision board better?

Looks like it is counting IP's properly. There are several users coming through proxy's which are different from click to click.

Maybe someone will find this useful in the future.

Yes, you need to rename the page where you place the php code to .php, but you don't have to rename all the .html files, just the one where you put the poll.

If you are being hosted, and you want to put the poll on the first page, ask your server admin to put index.php AND index.html into your default document settings.

There are no stupid questions, I agree!

I don't know what the proper permissions should be, but with that said, I have had success with: chmod 755 <polldir> -R

Again, this probably isn't safe, but with the lack of documentation and a certain amount of laziness, I have gone as far as: chmod 777 <polldir> -R

The YES that you are referring to is simply showing that a password was passed to the database during authentication.

Ok, I'm stupid, but I can't figure this out. Maybe one of you guys knows why when one person keeps clicking on the site, Access Stats continues to count them. I have set IP logging up, the permissions are 777 on the folder and 666 on the ip.log file. I only have the code on the first page of the site...

But still, it keeps counting the same person over and over. I have the IP timout set to 30 minutes. But looking in the log, I see it logging the same IP over and over in just a few minutes.

Any suggestions?

thanks people!

I agree that this is probably the forum with the fewest replies, but it's not all bad. I am trying to check it everyday to see if there is anything I can answer. So if some of the others who have struggled to get these apps working will do the same, it won't be bad at all.

Since Access Stats logs the IP somewhere, can that be incorporated in the reports? Or at least save a permanent log somewhere?

Since I'm not a programmer, I don't know how to go about this, but surely some of you have modified it to do this, right?


I had the same problem a lot of you had, everything was installed in its proper location and had the correct permissions, yet it still wasn't working.

The solution for me...

I use linux/apache, btw.

You must eliminate any line breaks in the javascript between the markers below.

document.write("img...... <<<this line

Hope that helps some of you with that problem!
Forum Index » Profile for xenzap » Messages posted by xenzap
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