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Banning ip address and host  XML
Forum Index » Support Forum
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i have the advance guestbook 2.2 and i know how to ban iop address such as 123. 123.123.121. but how do you ban something like a host like aol nobody@cache-dq02.proxy.aol.com. how can i ban that address?
i need help!

Joined: 07/01/2003 22:58:43
Messages: 96

that feature is in the admin, but you can also use .htaccess to ban them from the guestbook, or the entire domain.

Example of banning someone from your entire domain (static IP)

or to block an ISP

You can also deny a range of IP address, by truncating the IP

but this method will block anyone with a 212 range....could be thousands


just create a file named .htaccess (windows will not let you use that name convention, so what you can do is call it .htaccess.txt and then upload, and rename. (it will probably go invisible, unless you set your ftp program to view these type files
[WWW] [Yahoo!] [MSN]

when i go into the admin. Then go to General Settings > then Ban ip at the bottom i put Code:
<Limit GET>
order deny,allow
deny from AC867B10.ipt.aol.com
is that it?
hmm...cuz for it doesnt save the code? Im sure im doing something wrong? I a newbie at this stuff. www.unity150.com/guestbook

Joined: 07/01/2003 22:58:43
Messages: 96

No, I said place an .htaccess file in the root of your domain. If you are on a windows server then forget about it unless it is windows running apache.

If you are on a unix type server, then the .htaccess file at the root of the domain will block that person from the entire domain.

If you can't figure that out, then go to your guestbook admin and just put the ip address in the ban ip block.........geeeeeeeeeeez
[WWW] [Yahoo!] [MSN]

Joined: 13/01/2003 10:18:41
Messages: 7

You will have a hard time blocking a particular block of AOL IP's. They are not as area based as I thought they would be. I had to resort to

deny from aol.com

Yep this blocks tons from my site but it also keeps the nagging in-laws out.
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I am having a similar problem. Is there not a way to figure out an IP address from a host? Because sometimes when people sign my guestbook it only gives me the host info and not their IP info. Is there another way around this?
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