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![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 21/11/2004 11:00:31
Joined: 07/05/2004 21:13:07
Messages: 586
I am finding some guestbooks shouldn't have the negative smilies. To remove some smilies or change the order of the smilies change them from the Admin Panel Smilies section. To change from here, the templates/form.php file must have permissions set to 777.
In Admin Panel, Click on "Smilies"
Scroll down to the bottom and select "Scan directory (img/smilies)"
For the smilies you want to add, type the Code and Emotion
Click on Submit Settings
Delete any Emoticons you do not want to appear
You can also change or add more smilies directly in the form.php file:
Open templates/form.php. Find the smilies code around line 100 after $OPTIONAL:
Replace the gif filenames for the negative smilies with other filenames found in the img/smilies folder. Also replace the description thats between the parenthesis (':happy:').
Example - Replace the "Roll Eyes" and "Mad" smilies with "heart" and "Rainbow". (I think it is much easier to typeover the filenames and descriptions than cut and paste.)
Even though all smilies can be seen by clicking on the "show legend" link, you can still add more smilies to show up on the initial form. To add another row of smilies, just copy and paste the code for an existing row and change the gif filenames. The following code adds one row of smilies: dance, girl and Christmas:
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 21/11/2004 18:41:54
Joined: 23/06/2003 22:02:17
Messages: 1053
What do you mean by negative smilies?
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![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 21/11/2004 18:50:37
Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK
Sounds like bad karma.
I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook
get Lazarus |
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 22/11/2004 04:54:09
Joined: 07/05/2004 21:13:07
Messages: 586
Auron wrote:What do you mean by negative smilies?
I mean "negative" as to what the website's purpose is. I am working with Christian websites, where the devil's face is just plain inappropriate. Evil... mad... tongue... smoking... we don't want it.
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 30/11/2004 16:19:33
Hey Amber,
I changed the smilies as you specified, adding another row with some holiday and fun stuff. However, when I preview my entry, I don't get the smily in the entry... just the mas: :koolaid: (hee hee... I don't know if koolaid should be on my Christian site, but hey... I liked it!).
Can you check out and let me know how to 'load' or 'install' the gifs or let me know what I did wrong, please???
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 30/11/2004 16:32:27
Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK
You need to place th esmilies in the img folder and then goto the smilies sectin of the admin and click rescan at the bottom. Then pt n the codes to post them and the alternative text desription.
I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook
get Lazarus |
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 02/12/2004 15:33:13
Joined: 07/05/2004 21:13:07
Messages: 586
Sorry... I guess I wasn't too clear on that.
Click on "show legend" underneath the smilies. If all of the smilies you want to use aren't there, you need to scan and add the codes for them. The instructions for scanning are at the first part of this thread.
So, I think you should scan first and put in the info for all the smilies you will want to use; then add any additional rows you want on the signin page.
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 02/12/2004 15:51:23
Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK
I am working on a routine for the guestbook to have the 12 smilies on the addentry page be the first 12 smilies that you have in the database.
I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook
get Lazarus |
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 14/09/2005 23:19:04
marmalade kat
Joined: 21/08/2005 22:00:26
Messages: 11
Hey Amber
Thanx so much for this thread. It was REALLY helpful. I found it on the search fingie. And a good thing too.
....and a thanx to Carbonize as well.
I was able to add out several smilies following all the conversational instructions between you two.
Let me add one more thing to help someone who comes behind us.
<tr align="center" valign="middle">
<td><a href="javascript:emoticon(':hearts:')">
<img src="$GB_PG[base_url]/img/smilies/hearts.gif" border="0"></a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:emoticon(':gardener:')">
<img src="$GB_PG[base_url]/img/smilies/gardener.gif" border="0"></a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:emoticon(':cowboy:')">
<img src="$GB_PG[base_url]/img/smilies/cowboy1.gif" border="0"></a></td>
Please remember to add <tr align="center" valign="middle"> after each three lines of new smilie code you put in. And add </tr> at the end of the row. That way it separates them into colmums instead having the smilies run in one straight line across the page and ending up pushing your entire guest's message box to the far end of the page.
You can also group them in counts of 4 or 5 too.
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 08/11/2005 19:49:31
Joined: 08/11/2005 19:46:50
Messages: 1
I'm having trouble with the smilies. When you're about to make an entry, the sizes of the smilies to te left of the input field are just fine, but when the message is posted, some sizes are ruined.
My idea was to rescan the smilies panel in the Admin function, but that doesn't really work since I'm having trouble with a loop there.
How can I prevent that page from looping?
Kind regards and thanks in advance.
edit: Never mind, I just found that it has to be editted in the sql db