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About my container house blog  XML
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Joined: 17/06/2024 01:01:29
Messages: 60

This blog shares my experience building a shipping container home in the Blue Mountains of NSW. It covers the whole process from land purchase onwards. My house is one of the very first container house builds in a BAL Flame Zone, the highest possible bushfire risk rating in Australia. It’s a comparatively cheap method of building under these high risk conditions, and offers other advantages over traditional build methods.

I also share my experiences with different shipping container companies that offer container modification services or build container houses. Most of these have not been positive, the industry is new and full of problems – if you’re thinking of building a container house it’s probably worth a read!

There are some positive stories as well, and the house is going to be amazing when it’s finsiehd. It’s not big, there’s a bit of the “tiny homes” philosophy behind the design in terms of the sustainability of living in smaller spaces and using space in a smart way. But it’s full of style and will be truly amazing when finished!

Joined: 17/06/2024 01:01:29
Messages: 60

DXH is a top manufacturer of foldable container homes, expandable container houses, and detachable prefabricated structures for construction sites, offices, warehouses, and more. foldable house

Joined: 29/03/2024 07:49:21
Messages: 13

Are you looking for a new word game that will keep you interested while also testing your vocabulary? quordle wordle might be the right addition to your gaming collection.
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