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Advanced Guestbook v2.2, hacked, fix and backup? 1 Guest 4531 17/07/2004 05:47:45
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
embedding polls (using Advanced Polls) in movabletype entry 0 Guest 2331 17/07/2004 00:23:21
Guest [Latest Reply]
no icons in admin panel 5 doc 6076 17/07/2004 00:11:42
Auron [Latest Reply]
Guestbook 2.3.1, Preview error 1 aksel 4822 16/07/2004 14:09:30
amber222 [Latest Reply]
Questions 5 Del 8611 16/07/2004 13:17:03
Del [Latest Reply]
'phpbb.book_config' doesn't exist 0 Guest 2406 16/07/2004 05:16:48
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll 2.0.3 1 Guest 3984 16/07/2004 04:39:06
amber222 [Latest Reply]
PNG Counter 0 Guest 1911 16/07/2004 01:05:54
Guest [Latest Reply]
transfering entries from Bravenet 0 Guest 1955 16/07/2004 00:55:40
Guest [Latest Reply]
restoring the guestbbook phpb1sql file from backup 1 Guest 3186 15/07/2004 20:14:30
JTD [Latest Reply]
Polls not working 2 Guest 2484 13/07/2004 23:20:02
Guest [Latest Reply]
url 2 tony 4372 13/07/2004 22:21:56
Guest [Latest Reply]
Adv Guestbook 2.3.1 - Admin Password Problem - repeats login 2 Guest 4015 13/07/2004 19:43:40
Guest [Latest Reply]
Email notification of new entries to GuestBook 8 mastersmurfie 14962 13/07/2004 07:13:14
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Quick fix for SQL injection exploit 0 Carbonize 478188 12/07/2004 20:59:44
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Counter 0 Guest 2465 12/07/2004 20:18:59
Guest [Latest Reply]
How do I move the Advanced Guestbook 1 Guest 3505 12/07/2004 15:27:58
JTD [Latest Reply]
installing advanced guestbook 2.3.1 1 Guest 3535 12/07/2004 15:26:08
JTD [Latest Reply]
correct database settings with iPowerWeb? 10 Guest 7711 11/07/2004 19:28:34
Guest [Latest Reply]
Can't remember new password 1 Guest 3286 11/07/2004 15:48:13
JTD [Latest Reply]
Cookie poll 0 Guest 1998 11/07/2004 05:45:33
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll problem 0 Guest 2016 11/07/2004 03:01:10
Guest [Latest Reply]
Guestbook_ No valid command 3 Guest 4047 09/07/2004 23:22:57
Guest [Latest Reply]
How do i make the script count the downloads (TOP DOWNLOAD) 0 Guest 2160 09/07/2004 17:49:46
Guest [Latest Reply]
Modifying Templates? 2 Guest 3774 07/07/2004 16:18:44
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook and htaccess 2 Guest 4175 06/07/2004 01:29:27
JTD [Latest Reply]
image as background 4 Guest 6057 05/07/2004 22:35:54
Brianr [Latest Reply]
Okay 0 Guest 2403 05/07/2004 21:07:33
Guest [Latest Reply]
Removal of Webpage 3 lcars 6576 04/07/2004 16:33:15
Brianr [Latest Reply]
Pictures Not Working 0 Guest 2568 04/07/2004 01:14:50
Guest [Latest Reply]
Customize 1 Guest 3698 03/07/2004 23:09:20
JTD [Latest Reply]
HELP GUESTBOOK IS NOT CREATING THUMBNAILS 11 Guest 15501 03/07/2004 20:30:55
Ignatius [Latest Reply]
Suggestions for the next version of Advanced Guestbook 6 lloyd_borrett 249279 03/07/2004 19:17:19
JTD [Latest Reply]
Problem with Advanced Guestbook addentry.php 3 lloyd_borrett 243193 03/07/2004 18:40:24
lloyd_borrett [Latest Reply]
access statistic 0 Guest 2352 03/07/2004 16:21:48
Guest [Latest Reply]
Anyone needing help 1 JTD 299406 02/07/2004 18:05:59
lloyd_borrett [Latest Reply]
guestbook --- how to moderate posts before they go live? 1 Guest 2681 02/07/2004 14:08:43
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advance Poll poll_cookie.php error 3 Guest 4631 02/07/2004 12:21:46
Auron [Latest Reply]
Guestbook Question 8 Guest 7402 02/07/2004 04:55:44
JTD [Latest Reply]
Advance Poll 2.0.3 textfile - Admin Login loop 0 Guest 2586 01/07/2004 21:32:55
Guest [Latest Reply]
poll 2.03 ?? not extracting, or old isntall instructions 1 Guest 4156 01/07/2004 20:53:29
JaeSun [Latest Reply]
Advanced GuestBook 2.2 Weird problem...
[ Go to page: 1, 2 ]
19 gegeor 31617 01/07/2004 20:35:40
Guest [Latest Reply]
Forbidden 403 and 404 Errors in Adv Guestbook 7 serrao 84155 01/07/2004 20:15:37
JTD [Latest Reply]
GUESTBOOK dead images - after signing, they're ok. 9 Guest 10439 01/07/2004 19:47:59
trekker9876 [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll - popup and style 2 trekker9876 6630 01/07/2004 19:35:48
trekker9876 [Latest Reply]
Adv poll : color of the bars 2 bobdeo 4037 01/07/2004 19:28:09
Auron [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll !SIZE! 3 lothop 5904 01/07/2004 19:25:35
Auron [Latest Reply]
endless password loop 6 Guest 7395 01/07/2004 17:52:50
Ignatius [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll: Supress Results 1 Guest 3226 01/07/2004 03:43:08
cookie [Latest Reply]
Supress Total Votes Display? 1 Guest 3692 01/07/2004 03:34:01
cookie [Latest Reply]
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