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Profile for :: mildreddunn
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Platform Twin Beds With Trundle

The greatest thing about twin platform beds is that there is always one that will meet your needs. Whatever your requirements are whether it is for looks, space-saving, or convenience you will find something to meet your needs. With improved designs, you can have all these features in one bed. Look at it as a smart way to furnish a bedroom. You can have a bunk bed set with three beds, I’ll tell you how. There are two types of trundles, one designed for a mattress and used as a bed and the other one is designed as a large storage unit.

Having a friend over for the night should never be a problem anymore as long as you have at least one twin platform bed with trundle. This is an extra platform bed with slats and wheels tucked right underneath a twin size platform bed. It fits perfectly, is very discrete, and pulls right out when you need it. You can use two of the same kind of mattresses and sheets to make the set look uniform when it is in use. Having a second bed hidden under a normal one is always convenient and the great thing about it is that it is as comfortable as you can get. When compared to the standard bed the only difference is the height.

A storage trundle can be chosen over the spare bed if that is what you prefer. Very easy to roll out, you can not ask for more space. This can be great for a spare room that has no cabinets because if someone comes over they will have sufficient space in the trundle to store everything they brought with them.

A twin size platform bed with trundle is inconspicuous and comes in designs to fit into any décor. Trundles can be a dual function for beds and drawers. With the dual function trundle, your guest can have a standard twin bed and their own personal drawers. Great for boys or girls they come in metal, veneers, black, white, maple, and cherry hardwood finishes. Be sure to select a bunkie board with high enough rails if planning for a trundle in the future.

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