I'm an idiot at php. Any help in customizing the header and inserting my own banner?
02/07/2003 23:39:51
.: JAY :.
Joined: 18/11/2002 20:15:25
Messages: 38
Location: USA
One thing you can do is to right-click on the image and see it's location.
Then just make your own banner and and replace the old one with yours But make sure it's the same size. That can be changed too.
I don't remember in which page the banner is located in but just look thru your /templates directory and you'll find it eventually. It may be in body.php
Hope that helps.
04/07/2003 08:19:34
.: JAY :.
Joined: 18/11/2002 20:15:25
Messages: 38
Location: USA
I've looked it up, it is body.php that holds the banner.
BTW the banner is located in /img/gbook.gif
So if you want to replace original banner with the new one that is not the same size you would change line 4 in body.php to, let's say your banner is 200x88: