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Free Link Page 1.2 - Premature end of script headers  XML
Forum Index » German Forum
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also was für ne meldung kommt wenn ich in den admin bereich will kann man hier sehen: http://www.misc-stuff.de/cgi-bin/links.pl?admin=enter

und ich wüsste nicht was ich falsch gemacht haben sollte
so sieht meine links.pl aus, vielleicht gibts da ja doch was was ich falsch gemacht habe, bin in dem gebiet nicht sonderlich fit :/


# url of script
$cgiurl = "http://www.misc-stuff.de/cgi-bin/links.pl";

# base url to all link files without trailing "/"
$link_url = "http://www.misc-stuff.de/links";

# base directory to all link files from the server root without trailing "/"
$base_dir = "/htdocs/www/links";

# default index page of your choice
$index_url = "http://www.misc-stuff.de/links/ffa-business.html";

# counter log file
$id_count = "links_id.txt";

# administration password
$admin_pass = "wasder123";

# time to redirect to link page after entry (sec)
$redirect_sec = "3";

# use file locking; ($lock=0 for Win32)
$lock = 1;

# time offset - add one hour = +1 ; subtract one hour = -1
$fix_time = +1;

# image
$imageurl = "arrow.gif";

# End setup

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Forum Index » German Forum
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