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count a download??? making link help please, worked out rest  XML
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Joined: 31/07/2004 22:43:08
Messages: 8

Finally got Top downloads to scan my files,will post back tomorrow with solution!(its late,need my sleep).

Can anyone help with the download link so it will count them????????

Presently have something like;

<a href='/never/say/die/zebede.zip'>zebede</a>

how do i incorporate;

<a href='download.pl?file=filename_id'>filename</a> into the above?

tried various ways of adding it in and all i end up with when you click on download link is 'file not found'..........so what am i doing wrong

<a href="http://yoursite.com/cgi-bin/files/download.pl?file=zebede.zip">zebede</a>

Finally got it all working,thanks for your help. Us newbies have got a lot to learn!

Freddie,(log in aint working again)
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