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Base URL and addentry.php  XML
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Joined: 15/08/2004 17:47:52
Messages: 3


I'm tryin to change the formatting of the header (the links to "back to guestbook" and "administration") in addentry.php and I was just wondering where I could find this? I know the one to index is in body.php.

Second little problem, I'm including the guestbook to my current template and the headers now have "<base href=\"http://www.j3ko.com/\">" and all the links point to www.j3ko.com/addentry.php etc.. instead of www.j3ko.com/guestbook/addentry.php.

In config.inc.php:
  1. $GB_PG["base_url"] = "http://www.j3ko.com/guestbook";  

My temp solution is adding guestbook/ to each of:
  1. $GB_PG["index"]    = "guestbook/index.php";  
  2. $GB_PG["admin"]    = "guestbook/admin.php";  
  3. $GB_PG["comment"]  = "guestbook/comment.php";  
  4. $GB_PG["addentry"] = "guestbook/addentry.php";  

Just wondering is there a better way to do this since my admin page doesn't include the template all links point to www.j3ko.com/guestbook/guestbook/...


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Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK

Go through your config.inc.php line by line and check your entries. It is trying to goto guestbook/guestbook/index.php

I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook

get Lazarus
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Joined: 15/08/2004 17:47:52
Messages: 3

Carbonize wrote:Go through your config.inc.php line by line and check your entries. It is trying to goto guestbook/guestbook/index.php

what is pointing to guestbook/guestbook/index.php? the link from the admin page? I'm aware, that's y i'm wondering if there's a better solution to my problem then adding guestbook/ to these

  1. $GB_PG["index"]    = "guestbook/index.php";   
  2. $GB_PG["admin"]    = "guestbook/admin.php";   
  3. $GB_PG["comment"]  = "guestbook/comment.php";   
  4. $GB_PG["addentry"] = "guestbook/addentry.php";  

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Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK

Only page I saw problems with the links on was the admin enter and you can hard code them in by editting the templates/admin_enter.php.

I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook

get Lazarus
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