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I have installed the Guestbook and everything works like it should except when I add a new entry.

When i have written the text, klicked the send button I am transfered to page which transfers me to the guestbook again within 2 seconds.

When I am back at the guestbook index site, I can't see my new entry, it is not there???? but if i manually refresh the site (F5) reloads the page i can see the entry.

Why does is not refresh my guestbook???

Fenriz wrote:Hi

I have installed the Guestbook and everything works like it should except when I add a new entry.

When i have written the text, klicked the send button I am transfered to page which transfers me to the guestbook again within 2 seconds.

When I am back at the guestbook index site, I can't see my new entry, it is not there???? but if i manually refresh the site (F5) reloads the page i can see the entry.

Why does is not refresh my guestbook???

The guestbook lies here -> http://www.purkerne.dk/forum/guestbook/index.php

Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK

It's a cache thing. Either the page is cached by your browser or by your hosts but either way you are seeing the cached page and not the updated one. You could try this. Open up Internet Explorer. Click tols at the top then Internet Options. Then click the Settings button and select Automatic where it asks when to check for a new version of a page.

I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook

get Lazarus
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Carbonize wrote:It's a cache thing. Either the page is cached by your browser or by your hosts but either way you are seeing the cached page and not the updated one. You could try this. Open up Internet Explorer. Click tols at the top then Internet Options. Then click the Settings button and select Automatic where it asks when to check for a new version of a page.


Yeah, youre rigt, I should have known that

Thanks anyway
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