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index.php from guestbook widht is wrong  XML
Forum Index » Support Forum
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I added the guestbook to my webpage by inserting my html into the header.php and footer.php.

Now the admin.php and the addentry.php are displayed as should be. but index.php is var to wide.

The navigation i got right by typing a absolute value (520 px) in the admin mode. but the entry's that are listed are somewhere around 800 px or so (so it looks really uggly)

I even tried modifying body.php and replaced $var[width] with an absolute value and tried it with percentage but it does not work.

Any idea?


Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK

Got a link for me to look at?

I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook

get Lazarus
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I finally found it.

After realising that there must be an object in the header or footer file that would make my table 900 px wide. It appears that index.php uses the html tag <hr> (horizontal rule) which i had set to be 900 px (For my own site.) so the table now also became 900 px wide.

After i saw it, it was easy to solve.

Thanx again.

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