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My login details have been edited.. and i can no longer login to the administration panel, is there any way of resetting it?

Joined: 07/05/2004 21:13:07
Messages: 586

What script? Guestbook? Poll? Links?...

A search for password or password AND reset might yield some results.

If about the Guestbook, read the sticky post that says "read this before posting..."

Simple script to reset your (Advanced Guestbook) password

Joined: 30/04/2021 13:14:59
Messages: 7

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Joined: 30/04/2021 13:14:59
Messages: 7

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Joined: 30/08/2021 22:44:01
Messages: 5

What do you think about just ordering dissertation writing? I do not see anything wrong with this, I know that many of my university graduates do this. I did this at the best dissertation and enjoyed working with them. It's cool that you can go about your business, and at this time your work is being prepared for you.
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