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Automatic Display of all polls in order:: Need Help  XML
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Joined: 09/01/2006 15:19:31
Messages: 2

I like to somehow automatically show the polls I created in order of creation (either ascending or descending)

My intention is to use the code below as a base to start of but I am not experienced with PHP enough.

/* poll */
for ($i = 1; $i<$XYZ; $i++) {
echo $php_poll->poll_process($i);
echo $php_poll->view_poll_comments($i);
echo $php_poll->get_comment_pages($i);

When I use for example value "7" instead of $XYZ it nicely shows the first 7 polls including the comments

What I like to do is replace the "$XYZ" for a value that represents the end of the amount of polls created.
Anybody knows how to declare a variable that represents the amount of polls?

Also If a poll is not existing anymore it should skip this number.

By implementing this I could always sort my polls and dislay them ascending or descending in order of creation.

I like to even take this a step further, but my knowledge is not enough... Anyone interested to help me, for a price of course?

Thanks fo any help or suggestions

Joined: 09/01/2006 15:19:31
Messages: 2

What I need to know is how how do I make the $XYZ represent the total amount of polls available.
If for example I have 7 polls but poll nr4 is deleted I like to use the above to show poll nrs. 1,2,3,5,6,7 (4 is skipped)

I do not know how to read the amount of polls in PHP...

Please help


Joined: 07/05/2004 21:13:07
Messages: 586

What about just using the poll list as shown in Demo3?

Joined: 16/01/2006 09:35:08
Messages: 3

How can I change the layout of poll_list?

I have changed the file of poll_list.html, but the change has not been reflected in the layout (using demo 3).

I like to change table size which it is default to have table width 450.
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