I did experience the same problem.
So I did write some code to create a survey of several polls and in the end display the results.
Save this as a file (for example survey.php) in the root path of the poll scripts.
Change the paths in the file for the include_once to your own paths.
// Important! You have to include it before your html code
include_once "/poll/poll_cookie.php";
include_once "/poll/booth.php";
// Determine the poll ID's to use in this survey
$poll_start_id=4; //The first poll ID to start
$poll_end_id=9; //The last poll ID to include
// Set Variables for the poll class
// Determine if the form is allready posted and determine the poll ID
if (!isset($_POST['poll_ident'])) {
// Not posted yet so start with the first ID
else {
// Posted, so process the poll and add 1 to the poll ID
// Determine if a new poll has to be shown
if ($poll<=$poll_end_id) {
// While the last ID is not reached yet show the next poll
echo "Variabele: ".$_POST['poll_ident'];
echo $php_poll->poll_process($poll);
elseif ($poll==$poll_comment_id) {
else {
// If the last poll is reached then show the results
for ( $counter = $poll_start_id; $counter <= $poll_end_id; $counter += 1) {
echo $php_poll->view_poll_result($counter);