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iframe resize issue  XML
Forum Index » Advanced Guestbook Forum
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Joined: 22/05/2007 22:03:53
Messages: 2


I'm using at my website a menu (sidebar) that calls the page to be loaded into an iframe that is configured to resize and avoid scrolling.

On my pages (plain html) my iframe script works fine.
When it calls the Advanced Guestbook, it just don't resizes and a scroll bar appears.

Any clue on what can I do to get Advanced Gustbook resized?


Joined: 22/05/2007 22:03:53
Messages: 2

aitsugna wrote:Hello!

I'm using at my website a menu (sidebar) that calls the page to be loaded into an iframe that is configured to resize and avoid scrolling.

On my pages (plain html) my iframe script works fine.
When it calls the Advanced Guestbook, it just don't resizes and a scroll bar appears.

Any clue on what can I do to get Advanced Gustbook resized?


Just in:
I updated to Lazarus and got it working on IE6 and Firefox.
Still got the problem with IE7.

Any help, please?!

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