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Messages posted by: lmf33
Forum Index » Profile for lmf33 » Messages posted by lmf33
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Nerver mind, I just put a new ffal page up, one that I have to approve the links first.

Does anyone know if there is a script so when someone adds their link to my Free For All Links page, that it won't post it until I can look at it and then approve it? Once a mo. I get so much spam and bad sites, even though I have a warning that those links will be deleted, someone is doing it all the time anyways.

Try this

# url of script
$cgiurl = "http://www.kennethsvensson.com/cgi-bin/links.pl";

# base url to all link files without trailing "/"
$link_url = "http://www.kennethsvensson.com/links";

# base directory to all link files from the server root without trailing "/"
$base_dir = "/home/kenneth/public_html/links";

# default index page of your choice
$index_url = "http://www.kennethsvensson.com/links/ffa-business.html";

# counter log file
$id_count = "links_id.txt";

Change kenneth in your base directory to whatever your user id is to log into your host server with.

This works for me, I dont know if it will for you.

I tried to post my link on your ffal page. It went to this url

You need to change that in your links PL File

This should be your admin page
You can change your password in your links Pl File
Once you log in your admin page you will be able to delete unwanted sites

Hope this helps

Can anyone tell me why when you view my guestbook and then go to the jump menu to view the first 20 posts, why it starts with no. 12? It should have 8 more posts before it starts a new page.


You will have to change your base directory
$base_dir = "/hsphere/local/home/rfunkman/eschellon.com/book";

This is what I had to do to get it to work for me.

Instead of this

$base_dir = "/home/usr/you/book"; (you is your user name to your webserver)

I put in this

$base_dir = "/home/you/public_html/book";

Try that.

That didn't work completely for me so I had to set permissions for


To 777

guestbook.pl goes in the cgi-bin, upload in ASCll and permissions to 755
Can you enable html in Guestbook Version 1.5? How would you do that? Right now it says "HTLM code is disabled for this guestbook"

If its Guestbook Version 1.5

You can change it in guestbook.pl

Look for this,

# administration password
$admin_pass = "123";

Just change the 123 to whatever you want your password to be.
I just installed the same guestbook today, the same thing happened.

This is what I had to do to get it to work for me.

Instead of this

$base_dir = "/home/usr/you/book"; (you is your user name to your webserver)

I put in this

$base_dir = "/home/you/public_html/book";

Try that.

That didn't work completely for me so I had to set permissions for


To 777

guestbook.pl goes in the cgi-bin, upload in ASCll and permissions to 755
This is what I get when I try to submit a test site into my Free for all links page

Cannot open ffa-internet.html in /home/kdflmf/public_html/links for writing

Does anyone know how to correct this?


I installed the ffal script and it worked great, then my server moved my site to a new ip address so....... now it don't work anymore. I have done everything including putting the new address in links.pl and links/addlink.html. It still views when I use the old url but won't view any new posts. When I emailed my server they said use the new url, but then I get a page that says Error.

Any ideas?

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