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I like the interface of ADV. Can you kindly do a post here pls. Or just give few instructions and the rest is History. I know they will be more other who will be willing to more mod on it and fixing the bug to if there are any.
Thank you Carb
Carbon can you shed more lite here on this type of hack. Is 2.4.1 free from this kind of hack?
Give it a password in the Adim
I have try to impliment the changes on Random human verification as per the instructions but i dont know where im going wrong. Whenever i try to sign in and filling the Verified word and submitting, i get error that i You forgot to fill in the Human Verification field. Please correct it and re-submit.
Where did i went wrong?. anybody help pls?. here is my link
Easy just edit the carbonised mod, just change few codes like down below
Open lib/gb.class.php. Find and edit it like down below
/* E-mail Hack */
$row['email2'] = str_replace("@", "[@]", $row['email']);
$row['email2'] = str_replace(".", "[.]", $row['email2']);
$row['email'] = "javascript:getEmail('".$this->db->encryptEmail("mailto:".$row['email'])."')";
open templates/email.php and change $row[email2] with $row[email]
I hope it worked the way you like it
Thank for the infomation you had given me. It reall help me out. Now i have my guestbook install and running. Still one problem, when i try to add and entry by clicking the Sign the Guestbook link. i just receive a blank page with no entries like name:.........., masseage:............, Gender:.............. . Plesae advice where did i went wrong.
i have istall the advance guestbook. The problem is when i want to sign to guestbook after clicking the Sign the Guestbook link, the page open in a blank page with no entry feilds, e.g Names:...., massage:....., this all fields are missing . where can i be wrong?. Can anybody help me.
here is link to my page.
please help me. or mail my at ""
i have istall the advance guestbook. The problem is when i want to sign to guestbook after clicking the Sign the Guestbook link, the page open in a blank page with no entry feilds, e.g Names:...., massage:....., this all fields are missing . where can i be wrong?. Can anybody help me.
here is link to my page.
please help me. or mail my at ""
man i got the same proble. we sail in the same boat. iam new it MYSQL and PHP programming. could somebody to come to our help. Please tell as step by step on how to istall the install.php and on how to creat the tables.
Man or anybody please helm me. Iam just total new to MYSQL. I just happend to come across this nice guestbook while surfing the net. its just wonderful its free. Now i want to instal it to my web page but the know how is not there.
Please, is there anybody who can give me directions , step by step on how to install the advance guestbook and keep it running on. i would just be happy. i have try to search the fprum but in vain. please help.
Man or anybody please helm me. Iam just total new to MYSQL. I just happend to come across this nice guestbook while surfing the net. its just wonderful its free. Now i want to instal it to my web page but the know how is not there.
Please, is there anybody who can give me directions , step by step on how to install the advance guestbook and keep it running on. i would just be happy. i have try to search the fprum but in vain. please help.