Chi Kien Uong
Geranienstraße 30
71034 Böblingen
Deutschland / Germany
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Yeah, I have talked to a ton of people and we have all decided basically what you explained. Yes, some WM's do get carried away with deleting members. And the whole PTR industry is more a hobby than a way to make good money. For the time one puts in (webmaster or member) they do not make much. Figure the hours they put in and then what little they make, it is a waste of time. Even the WM's do not make millions, I can guarentee that! But it is fun for some of us. Just depends on what your flavor is, I guess!
I know this may seem weird to some, but I manage some Paid to Read sites and we have a problem w/ people using proxies to have multiple accounts with our sites. We do have IP checking in our scripts. They are php by the way. What I am wanting to do is not only log their IP (which we already do) but also I am wanting to be able to see if they are using a proxy or not and if they are, I would like a report that would be able to list the usernames of those who are using a proxy.
I am really not wanting to have to pay for the service. I have found a few places that sell this sort of script and make you sign up to a monthly service before the script works. I am not even sure if this is possible. I am guessing it would take a little coding to do so just I am not sure how much it would require nor am I sure if this sort of thing would bog down the server as we do use quite a bit of MySQL bandwidth as it is w/ rotators and such.
All help is appreciated in advance.
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