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This is a strange one.
How can it not work if you've hard-coded a color tag? Doesn't make sense.
Anyway, Carbonize is on the case & if anyone can fix it he's the man.
If it get's sorted post some details please - I'd be interested to know what was happening.
Hi Carbonize,
Check your beta guestbook for some comments if not already done so.
One or two bugs but overall it's looking good.
Please post the URL of your guestbook so we can see the problem.
Could be any one of a number of things.
I'm guessing you've made changes to the script and somewhere there's an error - could be something really trivial such as an extra space.
Do a search, there's been loads of questions about this and carefully check any changes you've made.
If you still can't resolve it please post the URL of your guestbook.
That last message refers to the Knowesley Young Carers site.
gboyer (Snore Racing) - looks like you've removed the hack but need to get the exploit fixed...
Exploit fixed, no sign of hackers, all looks OK to me.
Just had a quick play with the demo version. Pretty much everything seemed to work including MP3's and moving of file. Only strange thing is when I clicked the back button it reloaded a page but the text was much larger than it should have been (it was fine when originally viewed). Shouldn't that have loaded from the cache?
Only other thing was when downloading a file, first attempt it got blocked (I'm using XP with SP2 so that's normal) but it took 2 or 3 attempts to allow the download - but that may be more to do with SP2 than anything else.
I like the interface as it's so similar to Windows Explorer so is familiar to most. All my sites are with Yahoo so it's the same file manager, even though it's a real pain to use I'd still stick with it, main reason being that it's part of the hosting package so should be fully compatible. I've never really been one for using alternative programs, I tend to find they cuase more problems than they solve.
If I was confident it would work 100% then I'd probably use it.
If you're wanting any more feedback please let me know - I've got a site I abandonned a year back so can experiment with that, if it all goes pear-shaped it's no loss.
Something like that would be useful. Some are obvious from the number of times they've been viewed but there's also some really good posts that get 'lost' amongst all the others.
What would be useful is comments about how to do this, I've thought of 2 ways...
1) A normal post in the forum with headings such as 'What to do if you forget your password' and then links to relevant posts.
2) An external site (a freebie one), different sections for guestbook, poll, free-links etc, different pages in each section, each page covering a common area (upgrading, mods, errors etc) with links to relevant posts on this site. There'd have to be a post here to link to the site.
Advantage of first option is it's quicker and easier. Site based option could include much more info, be easier to navigate etc etc. Could also include online manuals.
What do you reckon?
What would really be good is if we could get some contact from admin. Admin - if you read this please make yourself known!!!
E-mail if you want to send anything is guestbook at kahlil dot org
The list is yet to gt going - 2 things, waiting to see what comments people have and then there's the issue of a lack of time. Busy days ahead so it'll be a while before it's done, might do it in bits here and there.
Write a guestbook!!! I have enough problems trying to figure out this one
Thanks Carbonize for suggestions - I think our earlier posts crossed cos I didn't see yours earlier on.
Anyone else got any suggestions?
I agree with you Carbonize - it's not an ideal fix. I think the important thing is that it's a positive contribution.
It seems to me that a great many people come to the site expecting answers to their questions without having first tried to find a solution themselves or even to do a search. There's an inbalance between those taking from, and those giving to, this forum. Any contribution, even if it's flawed, should be welcome.
Thanks JTD,
I agree with you about appointing mods - so simple to do and be such a help. One drawback with an 'index' - what happens if people actually find answers to their questions before posting pointless questions. You wouldn't have to post so many 'do a search' messages - that'd be a shame cos I like them, they keep me amused.
What I was thinking was to create a post that links to the most common issues - a kind of mini index. Hopefully users could quickly find answers to some common questions. This would have to be regularly bumped to keep it near the top of the list.
If this was done with a unique username and password then those details could be shared between the main users of the forum allowing them access to edit the post etc.
Any comments or suggestions?
P.S. I'm posting this in both the General and Support forums.
What I was thinking was to create a post that links to the most common issues - a kind of mini index. Hopefully users could quickly find answers to some common questions. This would have to be regularly bumped to keep it near the top of the list.
If this was done with a unique username and password then those details could be shared between the main users of the forum allowing them access to edit the post etc.
Any comments or suggestions?
P.S. I'm posting this in both the General and Support forums.
It's unusual for me to take sides but I think forum_clean's been given a bit of a hard ride here.
My take on this is that FC has gone out of his / her way to share info which may benefit other users. I can't see that this was done with anything other than the best of intentions.
Most users are here to find info, very few actually contribute towards the pool of info available. Shouldn't we be encouraging people who have a positive contribution?
Personally I'd like to see more posts from FC and more like minded people getting involved, this can only benefit the forum and help it evolve.
No disrespect to Carbonize or JTD, both of whom are very knowledgeable and essential to this forum.
Riight, that's got that off my chest - on to the next post...