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Messages posted by: freddie
Forum Index » Profile for freddie » Messages posted by freddie
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You havent change the FIRST URL address in this to your own!

The script is still trying to link back to www.proxy2

The one at the top!
You need to determine the root directory for scan to work, and it does work!

look for my post on how to find root directory posted 2nd August 2004
look for my resent post on how to find server root
go to HTMLfixIT.com, look for their download counter,(you wont gain anything from theirs you need the same information!), the next program on that page is ASK PERL FOR HELP.
Thats what you need! Follow their instructions.

# path to the downloads from the server root! (use for scanning)
$base_dir = "/blahblah/1234567/downloads;

If proberly wont bare any resembulance to your site,or to who you pay your money to!

If you have more than one directory for downloads just add it in thus;
]# path to the downloads from the server root! (use for scanning)
$base_dir = "/blahblah/1234567/downloads;
]]# path to the downloads from the server root! (use for scanning)
$base_dir = "/blahblah/1234567/downloads/moredownloads;

Every directory you want scanned will need to be added
Dont add site address, just the document root!

Scan works fine then!!!!!!!!

For those of you how haven't work it out, the first section is the setup; so where you see the proxy address change it to our own!

Yes Admin ,this is a double post! to make sure people can find the help they need
go to HTMLfixIT.com, look for their download counter,(you wont gain anything from theirs you need the same information!), the next program on that page is ASK PERL FOR HELP.
Thats what you need! Follow their instructions.

If you have more than one directory for downloads just add it in thus;

Every directory you want scanned will need to be added
Dont add site address, just the document root!

Scan works fine then!!!!!!!!

For those of you how haven't work it out, the first section is the setup; so where you see the proxy address change it to our own!
gonna answer my own post,having spent hours hunting through this forum trying to find answers, but others here either dont know themselves, or are simply too lazy to try and help others.
If your parents had had the same attitude you'd never of learnt to wipe your own &&&&&&!
Its late so will give solution tomorrow, as will take time to explain!
Finally got Top downloads to scan my files,will post back tomorrow with solution!(its late,need my sleep).

Can anyone help with the download link so it will count them????????

Presently have something like;

<a href='/never/say/die/zebede.zip'>zebede</a>

how do i incorporate;

<a href='download.pl?file=filename_id'>filename</a> into the above?

tried various ways of adding it in and all i end up with when you click on download link is 'file not found'..........so what am i doing wrong
Logging isnt working for me,but thats a diff problem.

Had my site a month, got guest book,easy.but cant get download count to work.

If base_url ="http://www.thisdontwork.ever.com/toys"

toys contains 4 folders, broken, new, good, ugly, all with files to download, which all work from 'a href' command from page links

How do I work out the server root???????

Tried base_dir =

"/thisdontwork.ever.index_html/toys" amongst others !

Index being first page of site.

Will the programe ever search any of the directories, tried puting in manually but that doesnt work either . Spent 3 hours already trying to work out, about ready to scream. Guest posted 9th July, but I couldnt work out how he came up with the server root address from his example.
Perhaps the program wont do what i want it to do? am i asking to much of it?
Havent added to my present 'a href' commands.Did try but messed up the downloads, do i need to? If i use 'a href' command thats in the readme "TO count a download" that will put the file name twice on page.
Sorry that it long, maybe i sound stupid, but we all have to learn somehow.Perhaps a sticky for all us newbies is called for. anyway can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong![/code]
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