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Messages posted by: Kallahan
Forum Index » Profile for Kallahan » Messages posted by Kallahan
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Trevor wrote:Hi,

1) <<<>>>

2) Registered users? If you mean number of people who can sign the guestbook - then either there's no limit of if there is (can't see why there should be) then it's very large, I've seen guestbooks with thousands of entries in

3) Did you change the width and height tags?


Tank you Trevor very much. It works.

Now I have another one problem. How can I extend an e-mail field. There are e-mails which address is longer then it can fit in that field. I would be really gratful for help
I installed Abook and now I am making some castemization.

I would higly appreciate some help about custemization of input form fields.

The questions are:

1. How can I change required fields (with stars). I need only two of them, for username and e-mail, not for the comments. How can I remove this for the comments and set up for e-mail field.

2. Is there any limit for the number of registered users. If there is, how can I extend it.

3. Is there any way of uploading larger size of the new image gbook.gif, with my custemized look. When I tried, my image gets resized (cut off)

Thanks in advance
Forum Index » Profile for Kallahan » Messages posted by Kallahan
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