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Messages posted by: Dankbaar
Forum Index » Profile for Dankbaar » Messages posted by Dankbaar
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When I want to sign the book I get the following message;

Guestbook - Error
Cannot find sample file template.html in /home/bdweb7181j/nadinemcneil.com/public_html/book

I cannot recall what this template is the book is talking about.
The url is:

Could anyone please explain what they mean with this template.html??

I have a guestbook 1.5 at http://www.nadinemcneil.com/book/guestbook.html .
For some reason it does not open anymore. Now I saw that (in de guestook.pl file I have (in the past) set the number of entyies on 20. And I have surpassed the 20.. Could that be the reason that it does not work aymore? And can I just set it, let's say at 2000 and then it will work again??
Thanks for anwsering


On http://www.nadinemcneil.com/guestbook whenever I want to go back to another page I cannot break out of the book directory. I am working with Sothink dhtml menu 3.6 and your guestbook 1.5.
Can you please advice how to solve this problem?

at www.nadinemcneil.com/book/guestbook.html I have a running guestbook.
I want to update tht navigation (in the top) so I have to replace the existing html.
Now there are 18 entry's in the guestbook. How can I keep those while still replacing the html around the guestbook.
Is there a way to do this?

Thankx Dineke

I seem to be a real newbie. Templates??? Where can I find them and how do I alter them. By the way I work with guestbook.1.5.

And I do not understand how to reply in this forum
Forum Index » Profile for Dankbaar » Messages posted by Dankbaar
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