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Messages posted by: jcbradley
Forum Index » Profile for jcbradley » Messages posted by jcbradley
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Thanks. appreciate your time.

Hi again,

Ok, in that file, i see where i can change the wording but i did not find $GB_PG[index] in that file. I did go back to the success template and replaced $GB_PG[index] with my url but ended up with a 404 error.

i put inplace. http://www.mysite.com but the URL it returned was advancedguestbook/mysite which was not found.

Next move?


Where exactly would I put the URL for the redirect? Also, what file do i go to - to change the thank you message.

Thanks again,

I mean the page it goes to afterwards. I believe it takes them to the actual guest book. I would like to take them to a different page or put a link back to my home page from the guest book.


Hi there,

I am nothing close to a techie but so far have changed the wording on my guest book. But i couldnt find anything on here in regards changing the page where they go after signing the guest book.

Is there a way to do this? I have the 2.3.1 set up

Forum Index » Profile for jcbradley » Messages posted by jcbradley
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