thx for explanations, but I would prefer people using like a drop down menu to switch language. Idea of using cookies look like good to me.
Actualy, I use Mambo with mambelfish 1.5 to translate the website, and I redirect a link as wrapper (iframe) to the guestbook but i'dd like people could change the language really easily. I'm not a programmer either a webmaster (just doing this for a family member) so explanations from you or someone else would be very gratefull.
I speak about cookies cause mambelfish use cookies too.
So if I want to add a drop down menu in witch people could switch language of the inferface (not comments : I want to keep comments in English and in French toguether), what can I do?
I'm looking for a way for my users to switch language on the guestbook on my website cause it's avaible in french and english, but the link to the guestbook is the same for both language.
If anyone has a piece of code I could add, it would be very nice to share.