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Hi again,
Once again Im stumped with a perl script. I installed access stats and cant get it working, all I get is "Internal Server Error"
I know from what little experience I have with perl that the server is very sensitive to permissions and paths so I started there but cant find anything that stands out.
I looked in the cPanel error log for a more detailed and its reporting
"Premature end of script headers"
I added the java to my page to add the stats
and all I get is a blank image placeholder. I verified the correct location to my perl.
and that is correct.
The URL in and seem correct.
The install does not cover some folders and files such as XP, language, gif maybe theres a permission issue I dunno
Anyways someone plz help? what am I doing wrong??
So how u been anyways? its been a Long time
Im talking about this one, the poll comes up but the results wont
I have been using php poll for years without a problem until now.
A customer on my site requested a poll and since I have it installed already, I just copied the complete folder to his subdirectory, and modified the code to reflect the new location
Im using a pop-up version with the following code. In this case it is poll ID#5 and it works.
view here
Now I created a new poll, it is ID#24, so my new code is.
view here
/* get poll id24 */
$poll_path = "/home/insarnia/public_html/ssp/thegamestation/poll/";
require $poll_path."/include/";
require $poll_path."/include/class_poll.php";
$php_poll = new poll();
if ($php_poll->is_valid_poll_id(24)) {
echo $php_poll->display_poll(24);
Everything seems to work fine, except when Im suppose to get results, it shows that the "Poll ID# does not exist"
Its like Its looking to the old location but I cant find any reference to the old path, so Im puzzled.
I also noticed something. alll the poll#5 has some other files with it
but the 24 has only
I purchased the supported version, so Im hoping I can get this resolved, Its quite unusual I have a problem like this but im baffled.
I assumed at first it is a file permissions problem but thats not the case that I can see since I used cpanel and just copied it on the server and it kept all the permissions intact. All I can think maybe its a cookie or session issue?
Someone plz help??
thats sad,
It seems I hear that so much, I just installed it, and spend 2 days filtering over the code making it as secure as possible. I will be more then happy to help you, if the db is ok you might be able to salvage it.
A few tips:
Dont enable HTML!
Make sure you have a .htaccess file in the /guestbook folder
Rename the admin.php
Carbonize has a mod version thats hes upgraded.
Please see
Its called the lazarus guestbook, and is based on the 2.3x code
If you need help you can pm me or ask carbonize or amber222 both are very trustworthy
hello amber goodo to hear from you again
yes I am aware of the whitespace rule. I checked it 3 times because thats exactly as its acting. I kinda knew I dont need the admin.php in the public page, just I figured i would go all the way since I was in deep.
Also Carbobize can I upgrade to Lazarus Guestbook or should I just do a clean install? Its no big deal installing is no problem for me, and from what amber222 (name withheld) said its a better version, no offence to proxy, just you work with it everyday.
Anyways thanks both of you for your help, and to think I have level 2 php3 course 80% done and im asking about handlling errors
Well thanks again
Best regards;
well I used the include method and renamed the files so that my my index calls the real index thats been renamed.
It works perfect! except for the admin panel. Since the admin.php has includes that refer to the lib folder its giving me header errors.
Any ideas? how to fix it??
heres what I did:
When I click the admin panel it comes up fine, I can log in, and it shows all the admin stuff, I can even make admin changes, so it must be a easy fix? Im drawing a blank for ideas
this should work, its because the admin2.php is calling class resources from the /lib directory and for some reason this happens when you include and that file jumps from the relative directory
someone save me plz, I guess I can just keep the admin file alone, as it dont really need a template since im the only one using it, but it works, just I think theres a work-around for this , anyone know it?
Thanks in advance;
Download the zip, to your computer
Extract the zip
You can edit the file in /admin folder called with notepad or your favorite editor.
at the top you will see the database confuration settings, they will look like this:
$GB_DB["dbName"] = "guestbook";
$GB_DB["host"] = "localhost";
$GB_DB["user"] = "guestbook";
$GB_DB["pass"] = "9D3E1C902A";
You need to set up a SQL database, with install.php or I just goto cPanel and
Add New Database
Add the user to the database
make a folder for your guestbook such as /guestbook and upload all files to that folder
chmod the folder permissions:
public - 777
tmp - 777
run the install.php from your browser. It will ask you for the dabase info. Your host name is usually localhost.
login to the admin area
username: test
password: 123
and setup the admin password 1st, save, and close it. Open it again then login with your new admin password, then seup the other features.
IMPORANT Disable the HTML or your guestbook will not last long if you post your URL here
thats the basics, just read the install file in /docs and follow it carefully you should be ok so long as the database can connect, that info must be right or guestbook will not launch.
Hope that helps feel free to pm me or ask
I was hoping you would reply, so I can be certin about that.
Any idea how I can get a breakdown on embedding the gbook within a existing page or seperate template?
unless I keep overlooking it in the sticky what im looking for isnt there. I tried a few variations of include but since the gbook code is not in a relative directory its not working or is crippled.
Could you give me a breakdown how i might implement this?
I have a page template called gbook.php in /public_html but the guesbook is installed to /members/scr/gbook/
So of I pull up gbook.php (which is nothing but a template to match my site theme) then I can sign/maintain the guesbook without ever having to navagate to the /gbook directory
Anyways thanks Carbonize, ill check out your site too, but if u can put somethng together or point me to a topic that would be great..
After purchasing my poll here I was very happy, I came back for the guestbook I have been reading and see all kinds of tips and patches so forth.
Can someone please Clarify what steps I should take to make them as secure as possible. I read the stickys but it looks asthough it refers to earlier versions of the php guestbook. I am running v2.3.2.
Is it safe to AGCodes , I am aware of the issues with html, but are there the same probems with AGCodes?
Also I would like to embed the guestbook in my php template to keep the same theme, I seen another ask and was refered to the sticky, but I seen little how I can do this. ill look again maybe I over looked it.
Best Regards;
php files are very easy to create. You can use notepad and put the include the txt file. FTP it to your server, then change the .txt extention to .php. You can also just change a .htm to php will work fine.
I looks like the data has become corupted, also the date is way off, delete the polls that have any errors, and restart them, you can re-assign the values if needed.
Polls has been designed to show submit button for each poll. Im sorry If I undertand the question right, then that cannot be done. You can show all the polls, or random polls, or latest polls but cannot pass multi-submission with one submit.
Best regards;