Chi Kien Uong
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71034 Böblingen
Deutschland / Germany
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heh. Okay, first of all, FrontPage SUCKS. Stop using it, immediately. Not only does it make you follow stupid rules, but it has a NASTY habit of injecting little bits of what it THINKS you need into your code, sometimes completely hosing the look of your page such that you just want to scream and do nasty things to your computer.
As far as saving as .php .... basic basic basic file management. Most *normal* programs will let you simply do a 'file/save as' and if you don't have a .php already listed, there should be a 'all files' listed, where you can just type .php after your filename. If that doesn't work out, you can always just find the file on your drive, right click, select "rename" and then just change the .html to .php and hit enter.
Have a happy day! (and please, for the love of web design, stop using FrontPage!)
- Waldo -
When you're in the admin section, on General Settings, look towards the bottom for miscellaneous - in "Check" use the drop down to select "IP Checking" then set your locking timeout to the number of hours you want to prohibit repeat votes from. The default is probably 2 hours. Just change that to however long you want to run the poll (match it up with your Expiration Days for when you're creating the poll .. ie: 7 days for the Expiration Days setting would be 168 hours in the "locking timeout" section of General Settings). Don't forget to submit the settings before creating the next poll!
Please note: I have NOT tested this, as I'm fine and happy with the defaults I have. I did set IP Checking, but left the default 2 hours...and have noticed that generally speaking after I cast a vote, I can't do it again for at least a while (haven't really timed it). If someone else knows better, by all means, let us know :)
Daniel - it would appear that it's in the Templates section - there are links across the top left for poll, results, and comments - so you can select which section you want to work on the templates for. Once you're in there, you should be able to use the Template drop down (I'd imagine) to select which template to use ... default, plain, graphic, pop-up, simple, etc. Only problem is... when I try to change my results template... it gives an error for permissions on the file (which I haven't bothered to really worry about too much since it's already doing what I want it to do for my site).
I wish I could be of more help. (and there was a different way to do the php in shtml part listed elsewhere in the posts, I remember seeing 2 different posts about it, with 2 different ways of doing it)
I think the thing to keep in mind is this is free software - which typically means "as is". You get what you pay for you know. :) I could be wrong, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I think the coders leave bits and buggies in the free scripts intentionally... either in hopes of co-ercing people into paying for code that is not so buggy and better supported, or perhaps, because they hope that it will encourage people to get to know their code a little better, and become more proficient at coding the language a bit themselves. I've known some talker coders that will give out their code, but the buggy versions...specifically to help others learn how to look at it and figure things out on their own...and they don't even sell a bug-free version as it is.
I'm enjoying the use of this polling software for the time being - perhaps a stroke of luck hit for me that it's doing what I want it to now without much effort. I didn't have to change anything to get it to post the results in the same page instead of a pop-up (that I can remember anyway).
Good luck with it, and with anything else you sink your teeth into! :)
Daniel, you'll want to read through several pages worth of posts on this topic, there are quite a few useful articles. I too just started working with Advanced Poll 2.0.2 - just yesterday in fact. It wasn't too big of a deal for me to rename my .html pages to .php, so I just did that - however there are solutions available for making the php work within a .shtml page - something about htaccess on the server side... like I said, check the other posts here, it's listed a couple of times.
As for the results displaying on the same page ... that will likely depend on which options you chose in your setup of the poll questions. For mine, the results always pop on the same page - it's quite nice. The comments window is a pop-up (if you chose to send a comment) but I've found it nicely removes itself after you send the comment... really nice, in fact. :)
You can take a look at mine at if you're of the mind. Hope this post helps :)
I'm getting this error as well..along with permissions errors, even though I did everything the readme files said to do. I'm too zonked to really try to figure it out now on my own (eyes crossing) but maybe another day ... if I figure it out I'll post another reply, but otherwise would also welcomg any assistance...
This post helped me get a heck of alot farther with this poll than I was getting on my own, so I thank you Muse and the others who have replied as well! :)
I'm having some problems though..and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong (aside from perhaps trying to do this instead of sleeping like I should be :) ... One problem I'm having is with the colors for the results bars. I am selecting colors, and making sure they don't match my background, but when I view the results, I just get an outline of the color bar but that's it...
Also, I have the "send comments" section turned off, but I still get a link for it, and it just pops the caution 'errors on page' when I try to click it. I'm trying to edit the templates, but it's filling up with errors when I try to do it. I don't know, probably just me needing sleep... I'm going to cruise for a few more posts then crash, but if there is any help available to me on these issues it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)
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