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Messages posted by: rdaniel
Forum Index » Profile for rdaniel » Messages posted by rdaniel
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If such person only sent a photograph at the moment of its registers in cadastre is that she will have an associated photograph, as well as is normally the system of the "Advanced Guestbook". The photographs, the names, and the description that is being shown currently in the initial page of www.amabras.org is only of example and they do not possess linking with the data base MySQL.
I go to try to explain in practical terms:
1) Access the website www.amabras.org;
2) In the part underneath of the page you go to find a space called "Novos Afiliados" you contend 3 photographs of people;
3) I want to make with that the three last people registered in cadastre in the "Advanced Guestbook" are shown;
4) The "Advanced Guestbook" was installed in the folder "www.amabras.org/visitantes" and is accessible to if to pressure the button of "Visiting" color orange (Contained in the from above part of the page);
5) the initial page is "www.amabras.org/index.php".

Another obervation is that only necessary that show the name, the photo and the commentary. The other data contained in the form in cadastre do not need that show in initial page.
How I can print only the field "name" in the page "www.mydomain.com/index.php" the 2 last registers contained in the data base of guestbook? I installed the Guestbook in "www.mydomain.com/folder"
Forum Index » Profile for rdaniel » Messages posted by rdaniel
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