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Messages posted by: El~Spaniad
Forum Index » Profile for El~Spaniad » Messages posted by El~Spaniad
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Cheers mate.. it's all working and everything now!
I added the closing } but it didnt make any difference

When you say use it as a body, would you mind elaborating? I have a rough idea of what you mean but I don't fully get it.
I'm using your AG script (unsuprisingly) and I'm trying to stick a background image on it so that it stays consistent with the layout of my site. I've tried doing it but it doesn't seem to like it.

I edited the header.php file, the CSS part and added a background image bit..

Then at the body bit i stick..

Now I'll admit my HTML skills aren't up to scratch like they used to be but is my stuff not correct?

Forum Index » Profile for El~Spaniad » Messages posted by El~Spaniad
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