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Messages posted by: CH4JO3
Forum Index » Profile for CH4JO3 » Messages posted by CH4JO3
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lets say... if I had like 10 or 15 posts per day, it was reduced to 1 or 2... so I'm positive it works... the thing is I thought this was actually a spambot passing through the verification code.
I dunno, I guess I just can't admit some peanut brain it's posting links about sex sites.
I checked my logs for jet.com but no luck... I find it hard to believe how someone could spend any time doing this idiotic spam thing.
The only track I have from this person(s) is that their IP starts with 200.40 and then it changes from post to post.
So... If I find the site that referrs to those posts and block the IP of the site will it work?
Ok, so I instaled the human verification on my site... and it worked, but one or 2 days later the spam comments began again...what can I do? I checked the code 2 times and everything seems fine...
any help?
here's my guestbook:
Forum Index » Profile for CH4JO3 » Messages posted by CH4JO3
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