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Messages posted by: lilwanya
Forum Index » Profile for lilwanya » Messages posted by lilwanya
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replaced them all.....still the same problem occurs periodically.
i look forward to what you suggest to do
I replaced the form.php, I am still getting the same error for most users. I received it today. then i went in to the administration and logged out. Then i went and was able to add an entry. So sometimes it is working and other times it is not. Don't know what to do.
it was a fresh install. i ftp over the guestbook and then ran the install script. I didn't do any large changes.
I am able to create guestbook entries with no problem...But no other user is able to create them on a regular basis. 90% of the time it fails with above error for other users. It works every time for me. I am the administrator. But i am putting in the information in the same manner as the other users. the website is eands.kay3enterprises.net/guestbook.

Please let me know if there is something that i am missing
Forum Index » Profile for lilwanya » Messages posted by lilwanya
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