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Messages posted by: Johnny Stevens
Forum Index » Profile for Johnny Stevens » Messages posted by Johnny Stevens
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Hey Carbonize,

This was a fresh install, not an upgrade, but I did copy files over from a previously successful installation. After initializing the templates (i.e. moving the templates from the installation files onto my server), I think I'm all set.

Hey Carbonize,

I restored my add.class.php file and I'm trying to re-test the guestbook. However, now I see the verification field with 7 characters and I type in all 7 (knowing that there should be 8, right?) and the system gives me the add.entry screen again with the following error:

The Image Verication code you supplied is incorrect.
Please enter the 8 characters that appear in the image.

There are still only 7 characters listed... can you let me know what you would need to see of my coding to help with this, please?

Thanks again,
www.hiddenacreskennel.com/guestbook/ is giving me only 7 characters in the verification field, but giving me the following error when I submit:

The Image Verication code you supplied is incorrect.
Please enter the 8 characters that appear in the image.

I saw that someone else got this in this topic, but noone entered the "Fixing the # of characters for dummies" version. Can someone please let me know what I need to change to get this working?

Which files do I need to restore to get this working again? Thanks!
My template/email.php is showing the following:
<a href="javascript:getEmail('6d61696c746f3a$encemail')"><img src="$GB_PG[base_url]/img/email.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="$LANG[AltEmail]" border="0" /></a>

My lib/gb.class.php is showing the following:
if ($row['email']) {
/* E-mail Hack */
$row['email2'] = str_replace("@", "(at)", $row['email']);
$row['email2'] = str_replace(".", "(dot)", $row['email2']);
$row['email'] = "javascript:getEmail('".$this->db->encryptEmail("mailto:".$row['email'])."')";
$encemail = bin2hex($row['email']);
$hidemail = str_replace('@', '[at]', $row['email']);
$hidemail = str_replace('.', '[dot]', $hidemail);
eval("\$EMAIL = \"".$template['email']."\";");
} else {
$EMAIL = '';
$hidemail = '';

When I make a guestbook entry at http://www.hiddenacreskennel.com/guestbook/ I get the following on my entry:
Johnny Stevens

I was unable to find anything that would have caused this, nor is there a forum posting describing this situation... I'm at the end of my php knowledge and figure someone out there has a quick fix for this.... please send help!!

Forum Index » Profile for Johnny Stevens » Messages posted by Johnny Stevens
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