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I've followed the instructions for the anti-bot codes and it works well.
Thanks again!
Hm? Okay, are you meaning the comments are from admin and that entries are from the visitors?
I stripped the comment image down to almost invisible so it looks like it's not there but it is if you know where to look and highlight it.
How do you password the entries then?
We've set the password in Advanced Guestbook 2.3.3 guestbook general settings blocking comments. Even after we logout of admin and come back in, we can still get in to comment. Password feature is not working.
Any help would be appreciated.
If admin/moderators need a the url, I'd rather send it private please.
hiya jj
Since I know next to nothin' about the workings of the guestbook, here's how I solved that problem with code I do know about.
Go into your Advanced Guestbook under templates/body.php
(I'm using Advanced Guestbook 2.3.3)
scroll down to after <!--End Bottom Navigation --> and put a code in
reading something like this...
<center><font face="Papyrus"><font size="-1"><font color="#B28F67"><a href="http://www.yourReturnURLshouldGoHere.html">Return to THIS page</a></font></font></font></center>
Of course, change out to desired font face, size, color, url, and message for return to THIS page.
Link will appear under the main page guest postings.
As you know, this GuestBook is one of the nicest, if not thee nicest one around the web.
So I'm very appreciative.
Could you narrow that down even more please by giving the codes to change within entry.php for entries and com.php for comments.
Hey Amber
Thanx so much for this thread. It was REALLY helpful. I found it on the search fingie. And a good thing too.
....and a thanx to Carbonize as well.
I was able to add out several smilies following all the conversational instructions between you two.
Let me add one more thing to help someone who comes behind us.
<tr align="center" valign="middle">
<td><a href="javascript:emoticon(':hearts:')">
<img src="$GB_PG[base_url]/img/smilies/hearts.gif" border="0"></a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:emoticon(':gardener:')">
<img src="$GB_PG[base_url]/img/smilies/gardener.gif" border="0"></a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:emoticon(':cowboy:')">
<img src="$GB_PG[base_url]/img/smilies/cowboy1.gif" border="0"></a></td>
Please remember to add <tr align="center" valign="middle"> after each three lines of new smilie code you put in. And add </tr> at the end of the row. That way it separates them into colmums instead having the smilies run in one straight line across the page and ending up pushing your entire guest's message box to the far end of the page.
You can also group them in counts of 4 or 5 too.
xkustoms wrote:where is .htaccess at?? I CANT FIND IT ANYMORE ON MY SERVER!! Please help so i dont have to change all my pages to .php
Click on your folder 'Advance Guest Book' or whatever you named it on 'admin'
You should find .htaccess at the top of that file list
Did you find it? (I hope)
Hiya iskandar
I'm just now catching your post.
Thank you for your indepth reply and help.
I'll let you know if it works.... so I can thank you again.
Hi Carbonize
Okay , now which file within the templates, please.
Where can the appearing guestbook entry tables for the guest's information and comment post be resized?
I would like guest comments to have more area and the information area to be less.
thank you
I've come to the conclusion that I don't know what I'm doing.
I've tried all the first posts instructions and have managed to hose it up somewhere along the way.
poll_process(4); ?>
is the error I get when I look at the page after I tried to put the code in
where I think it's meant to be.
With putting the htaccess suggested code in, it reads
deny from all
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html
in the .htaccess
The poll code I put in didn't work with or without either line.
I think I need an example from someone who knows what they are doing of what it will look right in the page. So here's what I ask with great kindness. Please copy and paste my testpage html page guts and insert with red highlight WHERE the suggested code should appear and how it should read.
Thank you.
Testpage below line.
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="Author" content="Mystuff">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.78 [en]C-STAR032398 (Win98; U) [Netscape]">
post stuff here
Any help would be greatly appreciated.