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Messages posted by: itchybrother
Forum Index » Profile for itchybrother » Messages posted by itchybrother
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I wish to make two small but significant changes in the "look" of my guestbook(s).

(I love this thing - one just ain't enuff!!!)

The image I want to change is Advanced_2.3.1\guestbook\img\gbook.gif , which is no prob to xxxRename.file and replace it with the image I want. I want this image to be about 125 pixels tall, and 700 wide.

I see where this thing goes in the templates [body.php] from the Control, and it looks like I could just re-size it there, change the table width percentage(s) and throw a <b> in and kick everything else down to below it, but Geesh... it donut werk that way.

I get these messages above the template window when I hit "Submit the Changes" (you should add the words "You Fool" to that button, too!) :

Warning: fopen("./templates/body.php", "w") - Permission denied in /mydomain.com/guestbook/lib/admin.class.php on line 193

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in /mydomain.com/guestbook/lib/admin.class.php on line 194

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in /mydomain.com/guestbook/lib/admin.class.php on line 200

So, I figured the "Permission Denied" one was easy enough and set ALL the permissions on EVERY FRIGGIN' DIRECTORY and FILE to "wide friggin' open". No matter, nothing worked for that Warning - it remained.

The other two warnings are a bit easier for me to deal with: I have NO friggin' idea where to even start with those, so they don't bother me quite as much.

Can you help me? And, could you please try and lay it kinda simple for me? I'm an idjut.

(Sometimes complicated instructions scare me. I once bought a Japanese gasoline-powered Weed Trimmer that had the following instructions: "Place unit between legs. Choke and yank on cord until small explosion heard. You are now running fast. Stop choking and run slow. Use on grass")

Also... i really wanna change the wording @ "Thank you for stopping by my site. Here you can leave your mark." I can't find that anywhere and ANY file! What's the deal on doing that?

Thanx for the help. I know this ain't a particularly easy set of questions, but I bet more than a few people will appreciate the answers!

Bruce - in North Friggin' Dakota, USA
Forum Index » Profile for itchybrother » Messages posted by itchybrother
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