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Messages posted by: EskimoPie
Forum Index » Profile for EskimoPie » Messages posted by EskimoPie
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Thanks for the quick replies! Running the update script worked like a champ...

2 things:

1st... I got error messages (something about permissions) when I tried to add an entry with the new 'Picture' feature... but since I don't really want that feature in my guestbook I just disabled it in the admin settings and the posts work fine now.

2nd... I hadn't fully edited the admin\config.inc.php file by accident. I only had the first few lines filled out (the DB info) but neglected the $GB_PG["base_url"] entry below that... when I changed it to point at the URL where guestbook is installed all of my Emoticions and Captcha images no longer loaded and I got errors when hitting sumbit on a new entry. Removing the URL such that it is only "" now and all is well. Any thoughts on this?
Ummm, mine is allready set that way. I'm upgrading (or trying to) from 2.3.4 to 2.4.1. When I FTP all the 2.4.1. files over I can read the guestbook fine and it says at the bottom of the page that it's version 2.4.1 but when I try to enter a post I get a Query error that says:

I'm guessing its because 2.3.4 didn't have any captcha stuff in the database... I'm not big on MySQL but could probably stumble my way through creating the stuff that is needed if you could detail what I'd be missing that wasn't in 2.3.4.

I don't suppose you could be more descriptive? I would like to upgrade also, and tried just copying over all the files but the admin config file and it worked while viewing the guestbook but if I tried to add a post I got some sort of database error. It seemed to be looking for something to do with the new human authentication...
Yes I'm using that version... oddest thing though, all last night after installing the guestbook it was giving me that loop thing... this morning I go and try it and all is well! Website has been propogated for years, why wouldn't have worked right away?

Anyway, thank you for the great work you've done on this guestbook app... don't know why folks put in all this time and effort to give it away for free, but THANKS!
Hello, I just installed Advanced Guestbook for the first time... I downloaded the lastest version off this site and installed as directed. The guestbook works fine, I can make posts and stuff but when I go to The administration page I seem to be able to log in with 'test' and '123' but anything I click from there such as 'smiles' or 'password' just dumps me back to the login screen again.

I'm aware there are a few threads on this allready but they all seem to deal with the assumption that it's an upgrade from an earlier version... I've never had this running on my site before.

I went into PHPAdmin and verified that the value in question is set to INT(11)... Any other ideas on what's causing this?
Forum Index » Profile for EskimoPie » Messages posted by EskimoPie
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