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Messages posted by: Sarasvati
Forum Index » Profile for Sarasvati » Messages posted by Sarasvati
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Carbonize wrote:OK I'm on nights this weekend so I can finally do this for you. Do you have phpMyAdmin on your server? Need it to easily add the new fields to the database. The rest of it is simply adding the inputs to the form, accepting them in addentry.php, checking them in add.class.php and displaying them in gb.class.php and index.php. Actually a lot more needs changing then I first realised.

Yes I do have phpMyAdmin, but you're either going to have to tell me how to edit (when the time comes) or... something else
Carbonize wrote:Sorry I got sidelined working on my own project. I'll throw something together this weekend.

Any hope at all?
How are things progressing?

Carbonize wrote:And they are for? I need to know what type of data the fields will hold.

Text... like the 'location' field, I want it to show up like the location field does
Carbonize wrote:And what are the new fields?

The initial idea is to erase all the names of the fiends (visible in the sign form) and insert pictures (that would embody the appropriately styled text). The fields would be code tagged "mind", "timeday" and the last one "extra"...

Would that be all right?

Carbonize wrote:How many do you need to add and are there any you are not using?

3 would be appropriate...

I don't need: icq, aim, picture, gender...
This has been delt with before at this address: http://proxy2.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2782&highlight=change+field+name

BUT, it will not work for me. I have AG 2.3.3 and I would really, really love it if somebody could write a step by step guid for this perticular AG version (as I see the guid mentioned abouve doesn't exactly fit this version I have).

I desperatly need to add fields and I am stuck in more than a couple of ways!

t h a n k u
Carbonize wrote:you will find the code located in body.php and clearly marked as such.

Gosh, much thankful...
The code was screaming out and I can not fathom how it escaped me the first time!
I would like to shift the drop down menu from the top (header) to the bottom (footer)... how do I do that?

Thank u,
Forum Index » Profile for Sarasvati » Messages posted by Sarasvati
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