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Messages posted by: anibal
Forum Index » Profile for anibal » Messages posted by anibal
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I have to say sinds using lazarus the SPAM was complet gone i have 3 sites runing LAZARUS & have less costumers contacting me everyday
Thank you.. i'm switching to http://lazarus.carbonize.co.uk

Looks better & is up to date
markus56 wrote:Yes, Carbonize, I am aware of that. I invite you to have a closer look at the whole package. Security features include:
- Distinguishing between real and fake IP
- enforced delay for posting
- protection against fake of significant form data (such as form load timestamp)
- 2 level human verification: User must enter a value shown in an randomly chosen image at display time. Plus optional approval mode (Guestbook Administrator must approve new incoming messages). All these options (and many more) can be turned off and on at any time through the Administration panel

Additional convenience feature for the Administrator:
- necessary database upgrades are automatically discovered upon upload of a new version (no matter which version you are on currently)
- /admin/config.inc.php no longer needs to be saved away and restored

Full list of features: http://www.freerelationshipadvice.com/guestbook/whatsnew.txt

Hi there i'm trying to install this version & i'm running in some problems at this page mydomien/guestbook/install.php :

Warning: main(/admin/ctl.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sites/webhosting/jufkrista/jufkrista/www/guestbook/install.php on line 3

Warning: main(): Failed opening '/admin/ctl.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/home/sites/webhosting/uvmb/uvmb/phpincludes:/home/sites/webhosting/vbp/vbp/phpincludes') in /home/sites/webhosting/jufkrista/jufkrista/www/guestbook/install.php on line 3

I'm installing from scratch.

Please help.. i really need a better version installed on my system.. too much spam.
Forum Index » Profile for anibal » Messages posted by anibal
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