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Messages posted by: ann-vibeke
Forum Index » Profile for ann-vibeke » Messages posted by ann-vibeke
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Thank you so far...

But I still cannot preview...

...for the last time (i hope) help...

Carbonize wrote:Update to 2.3.4 as this is a known problem in 2.3.3. Just replace all the files except those in admin and templates.

Believe it or not...
I looked around for this 2.3.4 but I couldn't find it...
- then I thought 2.3.4 perhaps only is for the kind one

Please tell me where to get it...

kind regards/ann-vibeke
As soon you give me the solution at one problem...
I have another problem...

This time it is in http://ann-vibeke.dk/visit/addentry.php

1) I don't get the possibility to 'preview'

2) I get the message: "One of the input fields does not seem to be valid."

The funniest is, that I did'nt have that problem while the yellow triangle was disturbing me

I also pretty much used the same add.class.php - addentry.php - form.php and danish.php as in http://ann-vibeke.dk/NB/addentry.php

...the only thing I have changed is ARMADILLO

If you happen to take time to see if you can see where I did wrong the word will be my name ann-vibeke

->PerJ : I have change the password if you should wonder

kind regards/ann-vibeke
Yubiii...that's how it works...

Now I haven't the triangle...

Thank you SO much PerJ for interesting...

And thank you to both of you for taking time...

kind regards/ann-vibeke
Carbonize wrote:As I said I see no triangle.

I come back - after work - at monday...
At work I will see, if it is only at my home-pc...
...or only in DK...there is this triangle

Thank you for answering
Carbonize wrote:Only thing in bottom left is a counter so odds are that is what the problem is with.

...but, that counter also is placed on http://ann-vibeke.dk/NB/index.php
- and in here I dont have this awful yellow triangle

As you could see, my place is in Danish...!?

In the area where to write a message, there also is a link to some help...
- because the link do not work, I cannot see what kind of help I can get...
Could the error be is in that help-site-link...?

Kind regards/ann-vibeke
I'm using 2.3.3

- and cannot find where I did wrong...
Coming into my site I get this yellow triangle to the left in the bottom telling that the site is downloadet, but with an error...

Kind regards/ann-vibeke
ann-vibeke wrote:I dont want this 'private message'
...where do i delete that?

I find the solution for this...somewhere else...

...sorry for sleeping

I'm using 2.3.3

- and cannot find where I did wrong...
Coming into my site I get this yellow triangle to the left in the bottom telling that the site is downloadet, but with an error...

I dont want this 'private message'
...where do i delete that?

Sorry for my bad English

Kind regards/ann-vibeke
Forum Index » Profile for ann-vibeke » Messages posted by ann-vibeke
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