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Captcha is on, all the time since I have it.....
Still they come!
I've been "visited" by on a daily basis for the last weeks. Try a search on google with this host/ip-adress and you will find the same messages everywhere.
I was puzzled because the the spammer seemed to pass the ip-block in the guestbook and also the block with the htaccess file. He fooled me with the adress wich is not the real adress.
Now the ranges 82.199.102 and 82.199.103 are blocked, thanx to Corbonize by giving the link to
Do those spammers have nothing else to do than typing stupid messages?
Are the Lazarus-guestbooks affected by this spammer as well?
It is possible to ban users bases on their ip-adress.
But is it possible to ban them based on their host-name?
F.I.: if I put a line like this (it's a fake adress)
in the banlist, would it help?
Thank you all in advance!
Wich blocks are Russian?
Hello all,
My guestbook is spammed by spammers mostly from Russia. They all give me compliments on my site, telling me how informative it is, how long they have been searching for my topic......
And they all add a link to a sex or rape site.
How can I block all entries made from Russia?
Kind regards, Sijo (
yes, sometimes i want something too.
Just to be sure: I deleted the install.php file, and secured the misc directory. One never knows....
Hello all,
My AGB is up and running and I checked what directories are protected.
I found that the misc-directory is not secured. Wich looks dangerous to me because there are two important files in there!
And I deleted the install.php from the root. Everyone could run this.... and destroy the GB?
Are there other security-things I should check?
Happy writings!
I did: update_db.php found in misc/
Unfortunatly, it did not work.
The gb remained in 2.3.1 state, allthough I discovered some more changed files and I even updated the database with update_db.php and changed the config file.
After that I made a copy of my database, deleted the complete 2.3.1 installation and installed the 2.4.1 from scratch.
After that I restored the database (I removed the drop tables and create tables) and everything was ok.
The only thing I have to do now is to make my own translation again and modify the template a bit.
ok, Thank you!
I've just installed version 2.4 and made some modifications.
How can I upgrade to 2.4.1 without a complete new installation?
Since I have nothing to do....
I made two files: codes-dutchenglish.php and dutchenglish.php and uploaded them to the correct directory.
It works, and my guestbook is now in dutch and english in the same time.
It's not the most elegant solution, but it works.....
In test mode, the next step is to migrate the data from my old guestbook (viper) into this one....
As I was clicking the submit button I realized that there is another possibility:
Is it possible to make two installations and let them both point to the same database?
In that case....
How can I add another translation?
So I can add a "combined language": dutch and englisch at the same time on screen.
It should look something about this:
gebruikersnaam / username: ....................
paswoord / password: ....................
In the lang-directory there are two kinds of files: codes-dutch.php and dutch.php (for every language). Is it enough to add those the two files with the "new" translation in this directory?