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Messages posted by: jarmake
Forum Index » Profile for jarmake » Messages posted by jarmake
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My friend's guestbook I set up seems to be having this problem repeating itself every now and then. I installed 2.3.4 and upgraded to 2.4 when it came available.
Everything else has been working fine but the password has now two separate times stopped working couple of weeks apart of eachother (both times at 2.4). I have a co-admin (I use Firefox and she I believe uses IE) and it locks for both of us when this happens.
Carbonize's reset script always works (tnx for that!) but it's really annoying when it happens. Do you have any idea why it might happen?
I have now updated to 2.4.1 and hope it solves this problem but if it doesn't is there any permanent fix I could try?
Forum Index » Profile for jarmake » Messages posted by jarmake
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