Hi Mastersmurfie,
I had a look at your guestbook.html script and it looks like you've got a bit of script missing.
Try this - open gb.class.php (in the lib sub-directory) and scroll down to where it says...
function generate_JumpMenu() {
My guess is that the next line is either...
$menu_array[] = "<select name=\"entry\" class=\"select\">";
or it's
$menu_array[] = "<option value=\"www.faithtabernacleupc.net" class=\"select\">Home Page</option>";
If that's the case then you need to make a small change. Find this again...
function generate_JumpMenu() {
Make the following changes, the blue is already part of the script and doesn't need changing, it's the bit in red that you need to make sure is included.
function generate_JumpMenu() {
$menu_array[] = "<select name=\"entry\" onChange=\"urlJump('self',this)\" class=\"select\">";
$menu_array[] = "<option value=\"http://www.faithtabernacleupc.net\" class=\"select\">Home Page</option>"; $menu_array[] = "<option value=\"0\" selected>".$this->db->LANG["FormSelect"]."</option>";
This should add a link to your home page. I've tested it on my site and it works fine. (note the backslash at the end of the URL - important).
With this menu you don't need to click the 'go' button, once you click a heading from the drop down list you're taken straight to the page. You may want to get rid of the 'go' button, look for the following line of text and delete it (it's a few lines further down)...
$menu_array[] = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".$this->db->LANG["FormButton"]."\" class=\"input\">";
I hope that helps.