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Messages posted by: TopCat
Forum Index » Profile for TopCat » Messages posted by TopCat
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You did it again. Thank you. Top
As I look at it, I am thinking that you are saying that I should copy the stuff the has GB_DB. And the scary part is it makes sense to me. Top
Okay. Will do.
I copied config.inc.php, overwrote 2.3 with 2.4, reloaded config with the one from 2.3, then dialed in the misc/update_db.php, and received a "Please update the config.inc.php file" first. Am clueless. Top
Let me make sure I am clear on this. I got the copy confi.ini.php part. All I do is upload to the same folder and the 2.4 will overwrite the 2.3? Will I have to delete files after it updates? I had to delete a couple of files after it was installed (I think... it was a while ago). Never heard of misc/update. Will it be easy to follow? Top
I am still on 2.3.1 at topcatlive. Is there an update only zip that I can run and still hang on to my settings, style, and entries? I will search for it, I am just asking in case I don't find it or am not comfortable with it. Plus the main thing is keeping my settings, style, and entries. Top
Installed the code about an hour ago. Passed the test as far as I can see. I read down some of the entries in the forum and saw some of the questions other had. I looked up the first two and it seemed like the corrections had already been made in the code. Is the code up to date at this time? Were the corrections that you and others pointed out made? Thanks. Top
Appreciate your reply and the email you returned also. Unfortunately, I understand better now. Search engine placement... I have gotten a handle on the problem, with your help. I did not know about DNS Tools. I did not have any faith in AG's ability to block IP's. Now I know, and now I have faith. I have a long list of IPs in my Blocker. I copy the list and paste it into each of my sites that have AG. I disable the comment feature (added a password that I did not give to anyone). And voila'... those pests are down to a very manageable trickle.
Why do they do it? What is the purpose of putting a page full of links that no one I know is interested in, on my guestbook? Maybe if you could help me understand the reason, I could go about defending it better. Do they just trawl the internet for sites with AG directories? Do they google AG? Is there nothing that can be done about IP's that flood the net with links to illegal drugs and porn? On another note, is it unreasonable to hope that spam filters could be added to AG? I read what you said about Lazarus. I went to the site. What makes it better? Please tell me in simple terms. TopCat
Forum Index » Profile for TopCat » Messages posted by TopCat
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