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Messages posted by: vicki
Forum Index » Profile for vicki » Messages posted by vicki
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Great! Ty so much..I am running a Dog Photo Contest on my pet boutique for the first time and was so worried when people were complaining they couldnt vote again So I really appreciate your help! If anyone would like to check out my poll its at

Thanks again!
Auron wrote:There should be a setting in the poll's admin panel on the general settings page.
The value is specified in hours.

If your using cookies for the poll voting control then you'll need to edit poll_cookie.php IIRC one of the first lines says something like lockout or timeout is set to 96 hours.

Edit both these values.

Some of the information in this thread and ones it links may help some too:


Your best bet is to look at the posts by me.

Thank you for your response.. I took out the cookie code above html and set checking to ip tables and timed locking out to 24..will this accomplish what I want..for one vote per ip per day?
Will people who voted yesterday with cookie code in need to clear their cookies for the new settings I made to work?
Thank you,
Auron wrote:You can't vote more than once coz then people will spam the poll/s.
If you want to vote more than once then remove the cookie code from the file that you included the poll in.

- Auron

I deleted the cookie code from the file included in the poll and it still says I already voted today. So I changed to no checking and 0 hours for locking out time and I have logging off disabled. and stil says I already voted when last time I voted was yesterday at 9am Am I doing something wrong or what else do I need to do.
Thank you,
what settings do I need to allow people vote once a day? I have a poll going with alot at stake so please help me asap. My poll keeps telling people they have already voted when they voted yesterday. They should be able to vote today too and every day for the next 30 days.
Thank you,
Forum Index » Profile for vicki » Messages posted by vicki
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