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Messages posted by: TubinetDad
Forum Index » Profile for TubinetDad » Messages posted by TubinetDad
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I put the link in the reply, but I noticed that it did not stand out, so here you go. http://proxy2.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5540

I will send you my copies of the modified files? The ones modified are ADD, COMMENT and VAR.

I loaded 2.4.3 sucessfully, that was easier than I expected. Everything worked until I applied the "Blocking words modification". That is when I get the problem. If I have to keep the problem to keep people from spamming me with censored words, I can live with that, but I would much rather get rid of it if possible.

Maybe there is another link with the mods for the bad words that I need to find, but that is the only one I have found so far.


The load that I have was from the service provider, but I will take a swing at it. I will have to search the forum for your changes for the bad words, but that should not be a problem either.

Thanks again for the help.

Just sent it to you.

Thanks again.
Thanks Auron. I was looking for something related to IIRC the Internet Relay Chat program. I was not surprised to not find it. I did not find anything related to "session_start" either.

I do appreciate the help.


Hey, I'll take half asleep to get us started.

Nothing before <?php on line 1 and nothing after ?> on line 170 in vars.class.php.

The var.class.php isone that you provided updates to address the issue of blocking posts with forbidden words rather than just marking them out. I will have to look for the post to find which one it is, but that part worked. You povided changes to vars, comment and add, all .class.php.

Thanks for helping,

Line 181 is:
header("Location: $GB_PG[index]");

It is in the middle of this sequence (I tried to keep the structure spacing, but that did not work):
function comment_action($action='') {
global $GB_PG;
if ($this->id && $this->is_valid_id() && $action==1) {
$status = $this->check_comment();
if ($status == 1) {
header("Location: $GB_PG[index]");
} else {
echo $status;
} elseif ($this->id && $this->is_valid_id()) {
echo $this->comment_form();
} else {
header("Location: $GB_PG[index]");

There is nothing before <?php, and nothing following it on the first line either.

I can not find "session_start() IIRC", is that in another file?

I appreciate the help you give here, this is a very useful forum.


Got your attention, and I do appreciate the help.

There is nothing after the ?> at the end of the comment.class.php file, not even a carriage return or space

I hope to revive this thread because I am having the same problem when posting messages and have not seen the fix yet.

Only difference is that I am getting the error on line 181

(output started at /home/content/m/e/n/abcdef/html/aguestbook/lib/vars.class.php:1) in /home/content/m/e/n/abcdef/html/aguestbook/lib/comment.class.php on line 181

Carbonize, any suggestions?
I am hesitant to put things like toolbars and Google Desktop on my PC's, just a bad history with them. I did find the directory reference in the config.inc.php file, edited it and updated the site. It appears to be working now, I just have to update all of my links now.

Thank you, so very much, for your prompt and accurate help. PHP is still a mystery to me.
I will look in there. What I did was copy everything to a new directory, just to be safe. Tried the new directory, and once everythign was working correctly I deleted the old directory. At that point all of the image links failed, so the pages had several of those wonderful red x's on it. When I looked at the properties, it had "advancedguestbook in there.

Letme look into the config.inc.php file. I used to be able to search inside of files before Vista, but I don't seem to be able to figure out that capability on the new PC, but I will get there.

Thanks for the assistance.
I did that right after I posted, just like a noob. Now I am at the point of trying to change the directory that AGB sits in and finding that is a bit more complicated than just renaming the directory. Is there a guide that I can use on what files need to modified when I change the default directory?

That you for your help.
Amber, You got my attention with your post. I have a lot of problems with SPAM on my guestbook that I have to go into twice a day, at least, to clean out. I would like to use the code that you posed, but I am not familiar with the "ROBOTS.TXT" file you referenced. Is that a file in the Advanced Guestbook directory, or is it something that I need to add in my root directory?

Please help a poor noob here trying to fight the Spambots.

I would love to leave these guys a nice present in the old directory when I move it, but I have a feeling that is way over my head as well.

Bruce, a.k.a. TubinetDad.
Forum Index » Profile for TubinetDad » Messages posted by TubinetDad
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