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Messages posted by: laffslast
Forum Index » Profile for laffslast » Messages posted by laffslast
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I forgot to correct the post earlier. It's up and running! Thanks a lot Carb!!!!!
Hey Carbonize, I appreciate the link to your adaptation of the guestbook. It looks absolutely great. I've searched your forums and your FAQ's with no luck looking for a tutorial for the gbinclude.php. Do you have one available? A+++ on the guestbook design man. Thanks again for your help.
I've been working on this for close to a week to no avail. I've followed FatJack's instructions the best that I could, but am stuck now. I was able to get the PHP embedded into the html file, but I lose the layout that I have for the rest of the site. For the website I use a separate style sheet (style.css) but cannot find a way to integrate that with the PHP option. I'm very, very new to web programming so I am now stuck at a wall. If someone can please help me, I'll be very appreciative. By the way this is for a personal website for family to check the status of our soon-to-be-son. The website is http://www.babysantos.com You can click on the button on the front page to see how it is. Thank you in advance!!!
Forum Index » Profile for laffslast » Messages posted by laffslast
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