Chi Kien Uong
Geranienstraße 30
71034 Böblingen
Deutschland / Germany
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Great.. Thanxs....I will send it..
no, this is the test system, the actual site is on internet..
If you give a comment on test, you can see what is happening..
| still doesn't work...
It submits the comment, but I get a empty page back...
oke, here it is :
| it come....
Hmmm, this irritates me.. .I can't make it work...
Someone a suggestion why this doens't work, or maybe a workarround ??
Hmmm, that doesn't work....
My problem is that is comes up with a empty page after I submit a comment. Proberly I made a mistake someware in the comment.php..
I hoped that I could fixed with a redirection to the index.php
But it doesn't work...
Thanks anyway !!!
Thanks so far !!!
But the code makes me ..
Can you help me a bit more...
How can I redirect a user to another page if he made a reply (comment) to a subject ?
Based on the open source JForum