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Messages posted by: kremator_frk_xii
Forum Index » Profile for kremator_frk_xii » Messages posted by kremator_frk_xii
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I did it. Nothing really happens. I think, as I made a test, that captcha maybe is not working, isnt it?
I have installed version 2.4.3, create tables, did all the necesary changes in all files, change the GB default directory, etc but when I write a post every time shows the message: "One of the input fields does not seem to be valid" even if I put the correct captcha or fill the required fields ,etc.
This is the link---> http://www.faccionradikal.com/Book_of_the_dead/addentry.php

Thnaks for your time
I replaced all the files.... nothing changed
well I think were could be the problem (I supose).
An old version is still running with the same DB and is working good. The new version (new directories,etc) is pointing the DB and have updated it but its not working as you see (addentry file) but the old is continue working without problems. Could this be the problem?

I got the link:
old version working ---> http://members.lycos.co.uk/frk/ss_radikal_ss/index.php
Well entry.php is not 0 bytes what else could be?
Hope you can help me please
I've recently update my old version 2.3.1 to 2.4.3 everything seems to work correctly but when you want to add an entry the form does not appear or any error warning does not neither. All the rest info does.
I did all the necesary changes in all files, also I did the Update process, change the GB default directory, etc

Here is a link ---> http://members.lycos.co.uk/frk/book_of_dead/addentry.php

Forum Index » Profile for kremator_frk_xii » Messages posted by kremator_frk_xii
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